SAVE THE DATE: 10/17/2024
LOCATION: KC Fairfax Federal Credit Union
Meeting - Prizes - Food Beautiful Soul Bistro
If you wish to run for office, or know someone who does, and your name has not been placed on the ballot by the nominating committee, you may have your name placed on the ballot via a petition signed by one percent of the 2100 members or 21 signatures. Nominations by petition must be filed with the Credit Union. Potential candidates should know that officers are unpaid and are required to donate personal time, including some evenings and weekends.
Details related to the COVID-19 pandemic are ever-evolving, but our commitment to those we serve is unwavering. Our top priority is to support you, our valued members, in helping your family and our employees and their families navigate this difficult time. There will be no inside credit union access. Loans should be set up by appointment to reduce lobby lingering. Call ahead transactions are encouraged at this time to swing the flow of window traffic and reduce stagnation. These measures are being enacted to protect the members, community, visitors, and employees, as well as to do whatever is necessary to slow the spread of COVID-19, while minimizing the burden on the healthcare system. I want to encourage you all to stay home if all possible stay safe and consider others safety. -KCFFCU